Photographer Code of Conduct

InAction.Photos is committed to ensuring all photographers provide a respectful, fair and equitable manner when shooting photos for customers.

We will not tolerate racism, sexualized violence, or any form of discrimination, bullying or harassment

Please be advised by logging into InAction.Photos, as an independent photographer, you agree to provide services to your customers in a courteous, honest, kind and pleasant manner. You must get your customers’ permission before taking their photos. If your customers want their privacy be protected, you must do so as asked. You can offer your customer a Private Gallery or Express Gallery with a private password to ensure no one else can view their photos. To learn on how to add a password to your galleries, please go to the Resource Center in your Photographer Dashboard. See our page to learn more about our Privacy Policy.

If under any circumstances, a prohibited activity occurs, the involved photographer will be fully liable for his/her own action. His/her photographer’s account with InAction.Photos will be terminated.